Preparations for exhibition

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On Wednesday 4 September I will have my first separate exhibition at Espier bar in Stavanger. I am very excited! Just five years ago, I would never have thought that I would show off my own paintings in this way, but after participating in the Munkehagen festival 2023, I realized that I want to do more of this.

On this occasion, there is a part that needs to be in place. The website is being prepared, the paintings need varnish, frames must be bought and the pulse must be lowered. Fortunately, I have good people around me who help.

The paintings on display are from a series that I have called MAKART. You can read more about MAKART here. These paintings are important to me because they represent both sides of life, the sad and the beautiful. The paintings show dried and slightly strange plants, often presented in a vase, which I think fits well with the season we are entering. I think there is something warm and good about autumn when the leaves drop, and the flowers sprinkle with seeds to ensure another flowering the following year.

I’m looking forward to the show and I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.

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